➀Start with Downward facing dog pose. Bring your right foot between your hands. ➁Bend your right knee 90 degrees. Cup your hands on the mat. Tuck your left toes. ③Lengthen both arms besides your ears. Try to make a straight line from the heels to the finger tips. Keep your left leg strong and firm.
Hold for 3 breaths. Repeat on the other side.
Or ➀start with all fours position. Bring your right foot between your hands. ➁Bend your right knee 90 degrees. ③Raise your arms up and tuck your left toes. Lift your left leg. High lunge. ➃Lengthen both arms besides your ears. Try to make a straight line from the heels to the finger tips. Keep your left leg strong and firm.
Hold for 3 breaths. Repeat on the other side.
Good for strengthening the core.